Special interest group music therapy of ancient china (SIG MTAC)

IAMM中国古代音乐疗法特别兴趣小组 告别德国音乐会 



杨临池 《酒狂》

Master Linchi Yang, Weinlieder

李阳 《清咽曲》

Yang Li, Hals&Lunge Musik

骆志远 《锦瑟》

Katerian Luo Zhi Yuan, Bunte Zither


Chao Tan, Südwind

The earliest records of chinese music therapy are dated back to several thousand years ago. It is necessary to save these cultural heritage through literature research, the restoration of archaeological excavated music instruments, summarise the important theorie and methods, so as to apply them to clinical cases for improvements.

SIG MTAC is a working group of chinese physicians and musicians who dedicate themselves to the preservation of chinese music therapy and traditional arts. In the past years, several therapy music instruments were restored to test the theorie and methods from ancient literature like Yellow Emperors Classic and quite a few case studies has been conducted. New music pieces are composed and performed by our professional members based on traditional chinese medicine theory and applications.

The first meeting of SIG MTAC will find place September 2024 in Berlin during IAMM & ISfAM - Berlin 2024-The Future of Music and Arts in Medicine and Health with following programme:

Sep. 18, 16-17:00 Seminarraum 523 Music Therapy of Ancient China Concert

Sep.19, Introduction to Five-Tone Therapy, Dr. Xiaochuan Pan, ca. 9:00, Hörsaal III

Poster Presentation: Ancient music therapy instruments from China - Yang Li, ca. 17.30-18.30 in Foyer 2nd Floor

Sep. 21, SIG Meeting- Music Therapy of Ancient China, 16-17:30 Seminarraum I 

Sep. 23, China night concert, 19:00 by Ballhaus Wedding, Berlin

Studytour of music and Hearling arts in germany

29.8.2024 Berlin

We are happy to congraduate the students who finished their studytour from 20.8.2024 - 29.8.2024 with the following content:

Gedichte über Phönix und Flöte 

25.8 Akademie für angewandte Musiktherapie Crossen 

Harmonic world konzert

27.8 GLS Berlin Campus

die chinesische nacht

23.9 Ballhaus Wedding







